What People Are Saying About Michael Zampi's Music
Musical portrait of the Chesapeake that's graceful and beautiful!
author: Michael Macey (Radio Station WRNR)
Artist: Michael Zampi Title: The Chesapeake Bay- Reflections of Beauty Label: The Note Factory Web: zampi-productions.com By Michael Macey of The Chesapeake Music Guide. The Chesapeake Bay-Reflections of Beauty is a collection of 17 instrumental acoustic guitar pieces that were inspired by the composer's life on the Chesapeake Bay. Michael Zampi's musical visions of the Bay, its tributaries and surrounding areas include Our Beautiful Chesapeake Bay, Magnificent Annapolis, Weems Creek, Sweet Solomons Island and Thomas Point Lighthouse. The music is beautifully played in a variety of styles, which include Folk, Latin and Classical. Artists of all mediums have long found the Chesapeake Bay, with its awe-inspiring beauty and rich history, to be the perfect muse. Zampi's musical perspective and his interpretation of that beauty make for a very pleasant listen. The Chesapeake Bay-Reflections of Beauty is an excellent sounding record that can quietly fit into most lifestyles. It has a nice laid-back quality,
with the liner notes offering up the serving suggestion "perfect for relaxation, massage and yoga." If soothing instrumental guitar music is your thing, The Chesapeake Bay-Reflections of Beauty will certainly fill the bill. It offers up some exceptional playing and a musical portrait of the Chesapeake that's as graceful and beautiful as the subject itself.

author: C.T.
Absolutely fabulous! I felt the tension pouring from my body as I listened - I am in love with your hands, your mind - wow - how blessed are you for being so inspired and how blessed are we to be able to enjoy and appreciate such beauty
author: Jeannene
To make a long story short. My daughter-inlaw had a miscarriage yesterday, and I was devastated. I went home and had a glass of wine and played your Cd's. They are beautiful. I will mention how beautiful they are and bring them back up to the office for people to listen too. It helped me thru a very rough time and I appreciate that. Sincerely, Jeannene
You have an amazing talent!
author: Brad
If this CD is anything like the other two, I'm sure it is beautiful.
author: Brad
It’s humbling to know people like you exist. Almost like DaVinci.
Rich and Soothing - Lets Your Imagination Whisk You Away
author: Tim Stevens
We have collected and played Michael's CDs for several years now. My son used to have a hard time winding down at the end of the day. The soothing songs on Michael's Chesapeake Bay CD changed that. All of the Reflections of Beauty series are filled with acoustic imagery that appeals not only to one's ears but also one's soul. The soft harmonies blended with sounds of nature evoke the feeling of a lazy summer morning relaxing over a cup of coffee at a campsite in the woods or a weekend afternoon lounging on the deck of a boat as it drifts down river. I love having his music as a background in our house. It helps strip away the tensions of work deadlines and rush hour traffic and lets me focus my thoughts on enjoying each moment life has to offer.
This music is pure magic with the power to create personal serenity
author: Joe Spatarella, songwriter
Mike has once again created a magical link between music and the soul. This music triggers the mind's eye for a journey of peacefulness and serenity. Incredible!
Perfect for that morning cup of coffee!
author: Janet Griffin, songwriter
What beautiful morning music this is! One song flows into the next perfectly complimenting the one that came before. The songs start my day off with a smile. Thanks, Mike, for once again giving beautiful music to the world.
Worth a Thousand Words
author: Treasure Camero (singer/songwriter Maryland)
The music transports me nostalgically through my happiest memories, calling both the images and emotions to mind. It is internally interactive, yet still tranquil. Without realizing it, I find myself smiling.
Music that soothes the soul
author: Adam Book
This music instantly transports me back in time to my teenage years. I can feel the wind in my hair and the sun on my back when I listen to this CD. The songs conjure up beautiful images of the Grand Canyon, which is a most valuable resource for the western states. I highly recommend this CD.
Super Talent
author: B B Hartman
I listen to a lot of music, and a lot of it gets turned off, but when I happened onto Michael Zampi, my attention was immediately caught and kept while I listened to everything I could find. The depth of his music goes into your core. It's the best music I have heard in many years.
author: Heidi Guild - Certified Yoga Instructor
I love this music for a lot of reasons. I use it during rush hour traffic, and I listen to the warm acoustic sounds before I sleep each night. We use this CD for yoga sessions and relaxation/ visualization sessions with great success. Our clients have bought numerous copies from Michael Zampi's website. They love the peace it gives them during our sessions.
This music gives life and peace to our terminally ill
author: Dr. Allan Lewis
Music gives life to us, especially when dealing with short term, or long term illness. We use Michael Zampi's calming music in our center to help reduce stress in our terminally ill patients. They seem very appreciative of this music.
My stress goes away with his music
author: Jennifer Moreales
I live in Fairfax, VA and travel the beltway every day. It takes me as long as two hours with heavy traffic to get home. It is the absolute worst commute on the planet! A friend told me about this CD so I listened to it over and over. I ended up buying a copy for myself and several more for my stressed friends. They love it too. I slip the disc in and suddenly I feel relaxed and I slip away to a very peaceful place. This songwriter has struck a chord with me!
Wonderful and Uplifting Massage Therapy Music
author: Melissa Lange
I've never heard anything like it. I'm a certified massage therapist and I've been looking for this type of music for many years. I'm thrilled that Michael Zampi has delivered a gorgeous sound scape for me and my patients!
author: Lynne Oakes
Oh so truly, truly lovely! Puts me in a reflective mood, which as a painter, is really where I love to be as I work on my own creations. Thank you for your beautiful spirit-filled work. Continue!
Great music for my sleepless child
author: Stacey Keller - Seattle
My son is ADD and he has a terrible time sleeping. A friend of mine told me about this CD and suggested I play it for my son to relax him in the evenings. It has been four weeks of playing it each night when he is in bed. I'm finding that he is falling asleep in a much shorter period of time whereas before he would be very restless. He seems more refreshed and alert in the mornings and sometimes he even wakes up before I wake him.. I strongly recommend this CD for relaxation! I will buy one for myself this week to reduce my stress as well.
Thanks for creating another Reflections of Beauty!!
author: Hali C.
Hi Mike! I got your BEAUTIFUL CD and have been listening to it in the car. I start my day with your Chesapeake Bay CD and watch the sunrise & drink my tea. No sunrise this morning! I realized tho, as I've been enjoying your music, I forgot to tell you about it and thank you. The Appalachian Trail is special to me, having lived in VA & WV for so many years. Thanks for creating another Reflections of Beauty! Next! Can you do one for Sedona????? :-) Have a WONDERFUL day! :-) H.
Simply beautiful music
author: Emma L. Nipps
Simply beautiful music. Found the Grand Circle CD in Utah - now own two more, thanks to CD Baby. How nice to sit in front of the fireplace and watch the snow come down while listening to magic.
author: Frank Kessler
Michael, I'm amazed by your guitar skills and ability to compose such beautiful and artful music. Will you teach me how to play like you?
author: HW Loewen
I just stumbled across your CD The Rocky Mountains: Reflections of Beauty. I find it to be absolutely stunning. I have also purchased the other two Reflections of Beauty CD's. My question is this. Do you have available to the public your arrangements either in sheet music or guitar tablature that is available for purchase? This is some of the most beautiful music I have ever heard.
The Chesapeake Bay-Reflections of Beauty
author: Joan Garver
My husband and I were married in Antigua in January 2008. We had a massage that day and your music sent me back to that magical day. I ordered for my husband and I as soon as I got home today!! I will listen to it daily. Keep up the incredible work.
author: Sue
Beautiful! You have captured the feeling of the area...I could listen daily and find something more...thank-you!
Slow down and escape in his music
author: RogerD
Once again, as he did in his Cape Cod cd, Michael has this time captured a serene Chesapeake Bay, with his music. Beautiful acoustic guitar works give the listener a calming relaxing connection with the historic Bay. It is easy to understand why his music is used to sooth, as well as to give a peacefulness in one's self. I thoroughly enjoy listening to it and recommend it highly.
Moving Movie Music
author: Steven Fischer - Emmy®-Nominated Producer
As someone who has sought well-produced original music for a variety of projects, Michael Zampi's consistently well-crafted melodies are a source I trust returning to time again. Reflections of Beauty especially captures Zampi's passions, and it's obvious that this musician has a special connection with the record's inspiration, Maryland's Chesapeake Bay, because the resulting creations are performed with the kind of passionate lust one usually reserves for sensual courtship, and produced with such loving care and attention. Anyone who appreciates soulful art will enjoy these peacefully tranquil yet emotional tracks.
author: Frank Kessler
Michael, I'm amazed by your guitar skills and ability to compose such beautiful and artful music. Will you teach me how to play like you?
author: Emma L. Nipps
Simply beautiful music. Found the Chesapeake Bay CD in Virginia - now own two more, thanks to CD Baby. How nice to sit in front of the fireplace and watch the snow come down while listening to magic.
Thanks for creating another Reflections of Beauty!!
author: Hali C.
Hi Mike! I got your BEAUTIFUL CD and have been listening to it in the car. I start my day with your Chesapeake Bay CD and watch the sunrise & drink my tea. No sunrise this morning! I realized tho, as I've been enjoying your music, I forgot to tell you about it and thank you. The Appalachian Trail is special to me, having lived in VA & WV for so many years. Thanks for creating another Reflections of Beauty! Next! Can you do one for Sedona????? :-) Have a WONDERFUL day! :-) H.
Mike Zampi takes the concept of putting oneself into his music to the extreme, for several of these songs are 100% Michael Zampi: lyrics, musical composition, and instrumental performance. No Boundaries is a testament to experimentation and musicianship; there are no boundaries for this artist--he crosses them all, picking up the harmonica, banjo, guitar, drums, bass, keys, pedal steel, and the writer's pen--assuming full ownership and commitment to his musical interpretations. Few musicians have the talent or the fearlessness to so fully enter their work and make it come alive as Michael Zampi has.
Melissa McClain - Singer/composer/performer
I decided this morning to listen to your tunes while working on emails and actions from yesterday. Man, that is way cool Mike! That is impressive to say the least, it is still playing in the background. I really liked the guitar riffs in track 3 and 16 and loved the melody and lyrics in 6 and 12 allot and track 5 had a good feel to it as well and loved the piano in track 14 and 15. Who was the female singing on track 14. Loved the chimes mixed with the guitar leads in track 16, reminded me of Eric Johnson or Joe Satriani in "Surfing with the Alien". You are extremely talented man...I bet most people have no idea just how good you are...guess that confirms the saying about people that are good, are the ones that don't need to tell others. I was really surprised by the singer, he has a southern style about him. I never really new what style to expect but for whatever reason just "assumed" it would be jazzy blues type...This works better with my taste personally. On a mixing note...the
sound is balanced very well. The instruments and vocals do not compete to be heard, the instruments are crisp to the ear to the point of being distinctive rather than the all to familiar "blend and drown" style a lot of the unskilled sound guys playing on a mixing board that should not be allowed to play on an Atari yet. Great life accomplishment Mike. You should be really proud of that. You have something of the present that is now permanently captured to hold in the future, your own personal legacy of sorts. Hats off man, or in "Wayne's World"....."were not worthy!!!" Your product of accomplishment, leaves behind a piece of you. Most of us, will be lucky to leave behind faded trophies or jerseys, fret board worn guitars and never find a way to permanently mark our being on this earth. You have officially been here...and damn your doing it with style :-) There you have my official review, two thumbs up...one for the work, one for the left behind "legacy".
Wayne Wayman - Professional Race Car Driver
No Boundaries is proof positive of a musical versatility unique to Mike Zampi. Mike takes music and the voice of his guitar to another level – his songs conjure images of Jeff Beck, Steve Vai and Joe Satriani – let him take you for a ride…
Joe Spatarella - Singer/composer/performer
Mike Zampi's CD, "No Boundaries" is an overflowing creative cornucopia, representing a broad palette of rock, folk and blues genres. Through the use of the inspired orchestration of guitar, banjo, synthesizers, he has given vitality to what in lesser hands, would be just another rehashing of the pop-music cliches of the past 50 years. Of special note are the instrumentals, which hearken back to adventurous spirits of rock pioneers such as Dwayne Eddie, Link Wray, and the Ventures.
George F. Spicka - Performer/composer
In his latest release, No Boundaries, Michael Zampi has demonstrated his clear ability to mix his musical and lyrical prowess to create a CD that country western fans will find most appealing. The themes of his songs are very human, and his vocalists convey them with heartfelt passion.
John Perricone - Barber shop quartet lead and comedian
Versatility plus - This CD shows versatility at its best. Various styles from Rock, Country, Blues, and even a touch of jazzy influences are evident. Multi-instrumentalist, Mike Zampi has crafted a very listenable collection of songs. No in-your face stuff. just melodic tunes worth a repeated listen.
Bob Cagey - Guitarist/singer/composer/performer
No Boundaries shows Zampi's versatility, skill as song writer and musician. No Boundaries highlights Mike Zampi's skills as a versatile, multi-talented musician, songwriter, and producer. His well-crafted songs embrace such universal topics as life decisions, going back to a simpler time, and love. From rock, to blues, to country, there is something for every musical taste.
Iris Hirsch - Singer/composer/performer
"No Boundaries" sounds like an album made with as much love for music as it is made with pride in production. Michael Zampi's music comes from the heart and is delivered with soul and feeling. His versatile music ranges from Roger Whitaker-esque (thanks to Jeffrey Archer's smooth voice) to Satriani-inspired instrumentals.
Steven Fischer - Singer/composer/performer
Riveting and Unique! A must have! Very unique blend of instrumental, vocal, lyrics and percussion. Each time I play the CD, the songs move me quite differently. I've rarely encountered music that was so dynamic in it's emotional impact! While the influence of country, blues, and rock are clear, the arrangement suggests a single genre that is unique. I highly recommend this Cd.
Michael Chisolm
I met Mike in 2001 when he and I first collaborated on some of his early country compositions. He needed a vocalist and I wanted to record a few of my own songs, so a long lasting friendship and partnership was established. I consider Mike a brother. I was very impressed by his ability to quickly transform an idea into a song utilizing his skills as an accomplished guitarist, percussionist and arranger, and making that idea a tangible entertaining entity. He will dig in and not stop until his vision is complete and that is a quality I admire. His songs are very personal and exciting as he has been open enough to grow with each composition. That has made it a joy for me to collaborate with him and be part of his growth.
Jeffrey Archer - Veteran Singer/composer/performer
Mike is an inspiration to me and his words are moving to the soul. I don't know how else to describe the words that I have heard but you know they are songs from the heart. I love what Mike has shared with me and I am grateful.
Sheila Bartlett - Poet & Office Manager
From the well-penned ballads to the hook-filled, blues-inflected rockers to the sonically intense instrumentals, the music on this CD just knocks me out. Mike establishes a style all his own with this stellar collection of songs.
Adam Book - Singer/composer/performer
Michael is an incredibly talented musician, technician and songwriter. I met him in Nashville at a songwriters conference and we hit it off instantly. He just flat-out loves music and working with people making music! This cd has something for everyone...a real mix of musical styles that backs up the title "No Boundaries". Excellent work by guest musicians Archer, Gutberlet and Griffin. Impressive packaging including liner notes with lyrics.
Eric Nelson - Singer/songwriter interviewed on VH1